Server startup options

Please note that this is an advanced feature for those who know what they're doing.

In this article, you'll learn how to edit your server's startup settings.

Firstly, navigate to Andromeda and select "Startup" on the sidebar menu.

You can change your system version, which is the docker image that your server runs on.

You can also edit your server's jar file; the name of the server jar file to run the server with. If you're using our versions installer, this will be left as "server.jar" (the default). However, to use uploaded server versions, you'll need to edit this option accordingly.

In addition to this, you can also edit your server version. Use "latest" to install the latest version, or enter your own. You can reinstall your server after doing this.

We also offer the ability to change your server's startup flags. You can select a command from a few available options. If you wish to use a command which is not listed in the dropdown menu, then please open a ticket.

If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

Last updated