SSHing into a server

SSH is a protocol used to connect to a computer's command-line interface. There are a wide range of methods to SSH into your server; you can either directly use the command line on your computer or use a application such as PuTTY or Termius.

Command line: For Windows, the command line application is called CMD (or use Terminal). For MacOS and Linux, the command line application is called Terminal. You initiate a SSH connection by running ssh username@ip in your command line. When the prompt appears, simply type "yes" and click enter. Following that, you'll then be prompted for your username and password. The command line won't render your password for security reasons.

PuTTY: Initiating a SSH connection is similar to your plain text command line, however you only need to provide the IP initially. Enter the IP into the "Host Name" (or IP Address) field and then click the "Open" button at the bottom. You'll end-up with a screen where you provide the account username and password to use for SSH.

(RECOMMENDED) Termius: You can add a SSH connection pre-set by selecting "New Host" from the "Add" drop-down menu that'll bring-up a panel on the right of the application where you can configure details such as "Label" (name), "Address" (IP), "Username" and "Password" among many other properties. Once successfully configured, you should see the preset show-up in the centre of the application and double-clicking it will initiate a SSH connection.

You must keep your SSH credentials secure. We highly recommend changing the password from the one provided on server setup.

If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

Last updated