Setup NamelessMC software

Please note, this is an advanced feature and PlutoNode cannot offer support with setup! We recommend reaching out to NamelessMC support should you encounter any issues.

NamelessMC is free and open source forum (CMS) software purposefully designed for Minecraft servers and their communities. If it hasn't got a feature you're after, its fully modular design allows for easy installation of custom themes and addons such as the Nexus Template or Forms Module making it the most ideal forum solution for any given server.

  • Download the files from their website, you'll need to download both and nameless-deps-dist.tar.xz.

  • Head over to the "File Manager" on the Web Panel, and in the public_html folder, delete any existing files and upload the two files you previously downloaded.

  • Once the files are uploaded, select them both and click extract.

  • Move the contents of the extracted folder into public_html and delete the now empty nameless folders.

Navigate to your domain name in your browser and follow the setup page. Select "New Installation" then Proceed. On the General Configuration form, put your domain name in the Hostname field, leave Installation Path empty, enable Friendly URLs and then click "Proceed". Ensure your domain is properly linked to your website.

You'll now need to create a database. Head over to the mySQL Management page on the Web Panel and click the "Create New Database" option. For simplicity, put NamelessMC for both the Database Name and User then click "Create Database". Copy and paste the provided details into the Database details form in the NamelessMC setup, you can leave the Character Set and Database Storage Engine as is. When all is done, click "Proceed".

NamelessMC requires an email account to send emails from such as account creation, password reset and more, so you'll need to create a email account for NamelessMC to use. This can be done through the Web Panel.

On the NamelessMC setup page, put [email protected] for the Contact Email and [email protected] for the Outgoing Email then click "Proceed". Replace with your domain name!

For the final step of setup, simply provide your desired username, email and password for the first NamelessMC account, this will be the primary admin account for administrating the forum. You can then click "Proceed", then "No" followed by "Finish".

You will now be prompted to login to the NamelessMC staff panel, where you can manage your forum.

If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

Last updated