Connecting a custom domain

In this article, you'll learn how to connect your own domain (e.g. to your server.

It is possible to link your domain name to a Minecraft server through DNS records. This will mean that your domain (e.g., etc.) will point to your server's IP address. We recommend using Cloudflare to buy a domain, therefore we'll use Cloudflare as an example in this guide. However, this guide will work with all registrars.

Firstly, create an A record that points your domain to the server using these records: If you are using Cloudflare, set the proxy status as "Unproxied".

Name: The subdomain to use (e.g. play). To use the root domain, enter "@".
IPv4 Address: The IP adddress of your Minecraft server.
TTL: Auto

You'll also need to create an SRV record (unless you're using port 25565). Use these records:

Name: (replace "play" with your subdomain used in the A record setup. If you're using the root domain then set the name to _minecraft._tcp).
Priority: 0
Weight: 5
Port: The port of your Minecraft server.
Target: The intended target (e.g., etc.).
TTL: Auto

The DNS records should propagate fairly quickly, however in rare cases it may take up to 24 hours.

If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

Last updated