Uploading files via SFTP

In this article, you'll learn how to upload files to your server through an SFTP client such as FileZilla.

First, download FileZilla (make sure you select FileZilla Client). FileZilla is available for either Windows, MacOS, or Linux. Ensure you download the correct version.

Next, navigate to Andromeda and select "Settings" on the sidebar menu.

You can find your SFTP credentials in the "SFTP Details" box.

Once you've retrieved your SFTP credentials, you can open FileZilla.

Enter the credentials near the top of the page where instructed.

In this case, the credentials would be:

Host: sftp://eu1.plutonode.com
Username: daniel.m.eff10fb1
Password: <Andromeda Password>
Port: 2022

Your credentials will be different, so make sure to use the ones displayed on Andromeda.

Once done, simply click "Quickconnect" and you'll be access your server's files through FileZilla.

Please ensure that you enter your Andromeda password, and not your Client Area password.

If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

Last updated