Pull files from a GitHub repo

In this article, you'll learn how to pull a bot file from a GitHub repository.

There are a few requirements in order to be able to pull a bot file from a GitLab/GitHub repository. You must get your Git Access Token, and make sure it has all permissions enabled. If you are using Gitlab, click here. If you are using GitHub, click here. Your File Manager must be empty.

Navigate to Andromeda, and select "Startup" on the sidebar menu.

Find the Git options. Fill out every option, including the Username and the Git Access Token. Make sure it starts with "github.com" and ends with ".git" on the repository URL at the Git repo address option!

Delete every file from the File Manager, if you have not done so already. You can now navigate to "Settings" and reinstall your server. After a few seconds, your bot should have been pulled from Gitlab/Github.

If you have any questions, please contact us for support.

Last updated